Thursday, July 5, 2007

President Putin...Bush passes on Counterfeit money

President Bush met with Vladimir Putin and promptly kissed his butt like a Nancy Pelosi wannabe...

No mention of a new cold war, no mention of the anti-american propaganda floating around Moscow these days and no mention of his governments counterfeiting U.S. currency. Oh, sure...if you and I decided to pass a few 3 dollar bills we would be sitting in jail ASAP.

Is the press investigating? are we following this issue at all? ssssshhhhhh be vewy vewy quiet....maybe it will go away.

President Bush has taken on an almost demented persona in this meltdown of the Republican party. After listening to President Clinton complaining about the Scooter Libby commutation, I find myself wanting to defend this screwed up republican.

Billionaire Mob Boss no story

Billionaire Carlos Slim gets no press from media darlings even though he successfully built a mob empire on the backs of peasants and pesos. Slim jumped on the mexican devaluation years ago and is now a legit business leader.

Everyone is legit at a certain angle. Slim is a supporter of the mexican invasion and narco-crime syndicate commonly named Mexico. Mexico is considered a country by misinformed politicians, it is in fact a crime syndicate.

Monday, July 2, 2007

War against Wahhabist Islam

We don’t have to declare war against Islam or debate the political incorrectness of our own religious bigotry…war is declared. Our choices are to be destroyed or defend democracy.

We have a new phrase gradually making its way into the media, Wahhabist Islam. The Saudi Arabian version of radical Islam intended to foster hate and destruction in all civilized western countries.

This is the real war.

Michael Chertoff should be working on Homeland Security but that isn't his strong suit. He would rather be defending clients like Bin Laden in some cheeseball New Jersey law firm or lobbying for immigration reform. If we are counting on Chertoff and Bush we are in trouble.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Lindsey Graham, Senator of Mexico

Lindsey Graham, Senator of Mexico fought valiantly against the American people this week in a failed effort to streamline a Mexican invasion aka immigration reform. Senator Graham told South Carolina republicans to shove their racist values of law and order…as a Mexican Senator, only he knows how to properly water down the American justice system.

The Mexican Senator was joined by all the big names in Water Down, D.C. Fine folks like Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi and Harry “Something or other” Reid representing the usual foreign interests were in full support of the Mexican Senator.

I’m contacting all my South Carolina contacts to get a grassroots campaign going to oust Senator Graham. My own Senators Martinez and Nelson of Florida are persona non grata.

Obviously we’ve made some serious errors down here in Florida and electing Martinez was a big mistake. How do these people get the early support getting started in the republican party.....oh yeah, he lied to us. I forgot that part.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Thank You, House Republicans

Tom Cole is apparently born again on immigration…the same RNC Chairman that has been pushing for amnesty has seen the MAC Truck in front of him and changed course. I guess the House message; more like a nuclear bomb blast on the immigration bill must have worked.

Now suddenly, the RNC is for rule of law and against amnesty. No mention of President Bush in this stunning about face.

Thank you Mr. Cole, I will not question your motives any further on this subject as I celebrate the defeat of this ill-conceived bill.

I can only hope the President gets the message.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

President gives up on America

President Bush is devoting time and resources to an immigration bill that Americans don’t want. He has no clue what this is doing to the Republican Party and only minimal understanding of the bill itself.

This immigration bill will not fix anything. We are currently working under the “Reformed immigration” plan that was never enforced. The CBO states that this bill will do little (less than 25%) to curb illegal immigration. We currently have 6 guest worker programs.

So what about the 2.2 trillion in benefits these people will qualify for? What about the depressed wages? Does anyone think the laws will be enforced this time?

When an elitist liberal like George Bush or Harry Reid says…”They are taking the jobs nobody else wants” the truth is, they don’t have any idea what jobs or who wants them. What they really mean is, not their job.

They don’t give a damn about some poor black kid trying to roof houses or landscape some apartment complex.

This is all part of the "Security and Prosperity Partnership," created at a meeting between George W. Bush, Paul Martin and Vincente Fox designed to create a European Union structure within North America.

Monday, June 25, 2007

PBS Banned "Muslims against Jihad"

PBS banned film “Muslims against Jihad”

PBS has taken media bias to a new level, banning a film on radical Islamists. They wanted the film to be in favor of extremist Muslims instead of exposing the truth. Another great example of liberal censorship in the media, PBS will start burning books next week.

The film exposes three protected areas of mainstream media coverage…radical Islamist “Honor Killings”, Saudi Arabia financial support and liberal bias in against democracy.

Two leading radical Islamist were quoted declaring that democracy is hypocrisy and must be destroyed. This type of message certainly isn’t getting to the voting public in any civilized democracy.,2933,285695,00.html

Thank you FoxNews, no other media outlet was brave enough to broadcast this information.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Border Patrol Travesty: Sutton/Bush change teams

Border Patrol Agents Jose Campean and Ignacio Ramos are serving 12 and 11 years, respectively, for the non-fatal shooting in 2005 of Osvaldo Aldrete Davila. The agents shot Davila in the buttocks as he was transporting more than 700 pounds of marijuana into the United States through Fabens, Texas.

Davila was given immunity in exchange for his testimony against the agents. U.S. prosecutor Johnny Sutton is the front man in this scheme to put Mexico in charge of the border. President Bush appointed this guy from his campaign staff.

Mexican consular officials demanded the prosecution of Texas Sheriff's Deputy Guillermo Hernandez, along with Border Patrol Agents Compean and Ramos...Hernandez was also brought to trial by Sutton.

If you want to sign a petition to remove Sutton here is a link: Petition to remove Sutton.

Rep. Bill Delahunt, a Massachusetts Democrat is investigating...when a Massachusetts Democrat is the voice of law and order we are seriously screwed. I just talked to Bill Nelson (D) Florida about both immigration and these agents only to find that he supports the conservative view here. He supports the agents and no did my party get hijacked.

I expect Michael Moore to pull off the George Bush mask and reveal his true identity...

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Illegal Aliens kill Americans

I started doing some research on DUI stats after watching a car on I-75 disintegrate after getting hit by a car with 15 latinos inside. As I read all sorts of cases about Police Officers, Families, Students killed by drunk illegal aliens I have to comment about it.

Here are some links to cases, the stats are staggering. The number of DUI cases and the resulting loss of life is too much to put here. Political pressure must be brought to enforce the law.

Interesting book from Dick Morris

Political strategist Dick Morris has a new book called "Outrage: How Illegal Immigration, the United Nations, Congressional Rip-offs, Student Loan Overcharges, Tobacco Companies, Trade Protection, Drug Companies are Ripping Us Off and What to Do About It,"

The book names the usual suspects but adds the backup documentation and leg work that make this a good read.

At least some of the recommended “Action items” should be standard policy. Its kind of shocking to know how blatant the abuse has become. You and I are footing the bill for this gravy train and I recommend you read this book.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Ranking RNC Candidates List

My Ranking of RNC Candidates to date. I’ve included undeclared candidate Fred Thompson as he will hopefully improve the field. These are not based on elect able status.

Fred Thompson

Tom Tancredo

Mike Huckabee

Duncan Hunter

Mitt Romney

Rudy Guiliani

I cannot list people like John McCain because he has turned his back on all that is republican in a mad dash for mainstream popularity. It isn't working.

Hunter is likely a non-starter. I think Tancredo makes too much sense for the mainstream media, he will have to be a human sacrifice to the alter of moral relativism.

Fred Thompson is the likely winner if he runs and Romney is the hardest working campaign so that will probably be the race. Tommy Thompson will drop out. Liberals like McCain, Brownback, Paul and Guiliani are not going to reach primary voters.

Monday, June 18, 2007

RNC Primary: aborted in the 1st trimester

The RNC called today to gage my opinion on the "Field" which they kindly cut down to the politically correct group of RNC approved mouth breathers...

I expressed concern that conservatives were noticeably absent. The Candidates were pared down to:





Obviously the RNC is just offering to clean up the field for me. I told them Fred Thompson would be the choice based on their list.

This reminds me of when people ask me why I voted for George or why I think George is so great…after I barf up my bagel, I point out that the real question was based on a short list.

George Bush

John Kerry

In this scary context, you can see that George does look like the best choice between two elitist liberal two-faced politicians. I wouldn’t call that an endorsement.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

President Bush becoming a lost cause

I'm finally accepting the fact that President Bush and Senator Martinez will betray every moral value I consider valid. After contacting both leaders and remembering back to the efforts I made getting them is a sad day.

I fried fish, distributed signs, posted lawn signs and bumper stickers...all to help Senator Martinez and President Bush get elected. I debated in some high profile forums on the merits of conservative values against some pretty tough, rabid liberals.

Funny, when I met Senator Martinez in Tallahassee he didn't mention that laws don't count. He didn't mention that we would be better off without him. He sounded like a conservative...he is not one.

I understand that I am but one little conservative but I will not sit by while this fire sale goes on...I will correspond, Blog and fight for the downfall of my own party. A total meltdown of the RNC is the only way to purge these crooks from our ranks. The RNC chairman is worse than....fill in the blank here.

If you aren't a conservative then join the DNC because we don't need you.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Illegal Immigration: no rules apply

Republicans have sold their souls to illegal immigration, cheap labor and politically correct latin interests.

Right now, two highly regarded Border Patrol officers sit in jail while a Texas prosecutor and a drug dealer game the system. As a fellow Texan, I wonder how this is possible. When did my fellow Texans become the kind of California weasels that could let this happen.

The drug dealer has filed suit against you and me for 5 million and I've read that we are considering settling. Why isn't this scumbag in jail? why haven't these Patrol officers been freed? Why hasn't President Bush done something to address this issue?

I've heard that the drug dealing Mexican Government has demanded that these officers be jailed. Who are these people to tell us anything.

President Bush is a disgrace to all conservatives, this situation is a disgrace to the great state of Texas.

RNC can lose my address

The RNC called today for funds. I was recently invited to a $500.00 per plate dinner to support the Republican party. I told them to lose my address and don't call me until they find a conservative clue.

I hope the party hits rock low that they are forced to respect true conservative & libertarian values. You remember the part about less spending, less government, no nation building, better border enforcement...yada, yada...

If you asked me three years ago, I would have said the Democrats were a minority party of failed ideas and no honor. Well, they are still full of failed ideas but they will prevail by default. At a time when the DNC should be exposed for shifting further left with their Anti-American rhetoric, the RNC is giving them a pass or openly joining them.

What is the real issue for the liberal leaning RNC and DNC? it is the rule of law. Rule of law was a tedious issue for Bill Clinton and a mere road bump for George Bush, but the rule of law is the final straw holding our society afloat. Once our leaders can openly endorse criminal behavior and reward illegal immigrants, our little Burgs will turn into a war zone.

Hugo Chavez is the poster boy for the liberal left and a perfect modern example of how to build a communist dictatorship. His biggest supporters are key players in the DNC. This is probably how our democracy will be voted out of office by the 100 million illegal voters the DNC is currently courting.