Monday, June 11, 2007

RNC can lose my address

The RNC called today for funds. I was recently invited to a $500.00 per plate dinner to support the Republican party. I told them to lose my address and don't call me until they find a conservative clue.

I hope the party hits rock low that they are forced to respect true conservative & libertarian values. You remember the part about less spending, less government, no nation building, better border enforcement...yada, yada...

If you asked me three years ago, I would have said the Democrats were a minority party of failed ideas and no honor. Well, they are still full of failed ideas but they will prevail by default. At a time when the DNC should be exposed for shifting further left with their Anti-American rhetoric, the RNC is giving them a pass or openly joining them.

What is the real issue for the liberal leaning RNC and DNC? it is the rule of law. Rule of law was a tedious issue for Bill Clinton and a mere road bump for George Bush, but the rule of law is the final straw holding our society afloat. Once our leaders can openly endorse criminal behavior and reward illegal immigrants, our little Burgs will turn into a war zone.

Hugo Chavez is the poster boy for the liberal left and a perfect modern example of how to build a communist dictatorship. His biggest supporters are key players in the DNC. This is probably how our democracy will be voted out of office by the 100 million illegal voters the DNC is currently courting.

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