Thursday, July 5, 2007

President Putin...Bush passes on Counterfeit money

President Bush met with Vladimir Putin and promptly kissed his butt like a Nancy Pelosi wannabe...

No mention of a new cold war, no mention of the anti-american propaganda floating around Moscow these days and no mention of his governments counterfeiting U.S. currency. Oh, sure...if you and I decided to pass a few 3 dollar bills we would be sitting in jail ASAP.

Is the press investigating? are we following this issue at all? ssssshhhhhh be vewy vewy quiet....maybe it will go away.

President Bush has taken on an almost demented persona in this meltdown of the Republican party. After listening to President Clinton complaining about the Scooter Libby commutation, I find myself wanting to defend this screwed up republican.

Billionaire Mob Boss no story

Billionaire Carlos Slim gets no press from media darlings even though he successfully built a mob empire on the backs of peasants and pesos. Slim jumped on the mexican devaluation years ago and is now a legit business leader.

Everyone is legit at a certain angle. Slim is a supporter of the mexican invasion and narco-crime syndicate commonly named Mexico. Mexico is considered a country by misinformed politicians, it is in fact a crime syndicate.

Monday, July 2, 2007

War against Wahhabist Islam

We don’t have to declare war against Islam or debate the political incorrectness of our own religious bigotry…war is declared. Our choices are to be destroyed or defend democracy.

We have a new phrase gradually making its way into the media, Wahhabist Islam. The Saudi Arabian version of radical Islam intended to foster hate and destruction in all civilized western countries.

This is the real war.

Michael Chertoff should be working on Homeland Security but that isn't his strong suit. He would rather be defending clients like Bin Laden in some cheeseball New Jersey law firm or lobbying for immigration reform. If we are counting on Chertoff and Bush we are in trouble.